What are the Several Covid Guidelines that Must be Kept in Mind Before Traveling to Australia?
The covid situation has changed how the world has been working for years. It has especially affected the traveling sector of the world’s economy. Every day the world is changing and adapting to new norms to avoid the widespread pandemic. Australia is no different and is shaken by covid as well. There are several entry restrictions and travel exemptions in Australia that must be kept in mind before you board a flight for Australia. Any one of these three documents would be enough to enter Australia: 1. A negative covid test: You need to show a PCR test no older than 72 hours OR an antigen test no older than 48 hours. 2. Vaccine Certificate: The following vaccines (including mix-and-match vaccines) are recognised: BioNtech/Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Sinopharm. You are considered vaccinated starting on the 22nd day after your first dose, lasting for 90 days from the vaccination date. After the second dose, the validity extends for another 270 days. 3. Proo...
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